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I Need A Raise! How to Approach Getting a Salary Bump

I Need A Raise! How to Approach Getting a Salary Bump

When is the last time you’ve asked for or have gotten a raise? How long have you been in your current role? Asking for a raise can be nerve wracking, but it can be necessary at times.

I Need A Raise! How to Approach Getting a Salary Bump

You’ll want to be sure to approach the situation diplomatically and confidently – after all, you’re worth it! (But, you want your employer to feel the same, too!)

In this article, we’ll give you five steps to help approach getting your next salary bump.

1. Prepare

Make sure you do some research; find out what kind of leverage you have. Do you have more education than most? Do you have a higher degree or an extra certification? Then look at the market around you – what are comparable positions paying? Use the internet and networking to find what you’re worth. Come up with your number and make sure you have the reasons why you are worth that lined up. Next, outline a pitch. Sell yourself!

2. Set A Meeting

Send an email or stop your manager for a quick minute to set a meeting. You want the meeting concerning your raise request to be convenient for them so they have time to consider your request adequately. Also, make sure that you set the meeting with whoever controls your pay; so if that is not your manager, then approach human resources or ask who the right person to speak with is. It is important though to follow the chain of command.

3. Pitch

This is where you use facts-based reasoning and not emotion to prove why you deserve a raise. Stay away from talking about personal expenses or why you need a raise and focus on the reasons why you deserve a raise. Highlight accomplishments, talk about your future goals with the company and prove your worth. After all, they are investing in you. 

4. Expect Alternative Outcomes

Remember that things don’t always go as expected. Be prepared for different responses to your pitch; management will have questions and they might shut it down completely. Regardless, you will want to keep a level head. If they say no, you can suggest to table the subject and re-evaluate in a few months after working on some of the feedback points they give you. Or, if they say yes and give you a raise, be sure to be appreciative. And no matter what happens, always, always, thank them for their time. Leave your meeting having built upon your bridge, not burnt it down

5. Try Again!

Even if your request gets rejected this time, remember that it is practice for next time – try, try again! Give it about 6 months to 1 year before you ask again. In the meantime, work on being the best employee you can be, and then give it another go. If you’re told no again, but you can confidently say you’ve been trying your best, it may be time to look for another position elsewhere.

What about you? Do you have any tips for getting a raise? We would love to know! Drop us a comment below and join the conversation!

Katelyn Johnson

Katelyn Johnson


Katelyn has a Master’s in Healthcare Administration and five years of clinical experience. She has made the shift to full-time freelance writing and enjoys covering topics on nursing careers, lifestyle, and community. Her goal is to help start a conversation and spread awareness around the many ups and downs of the healthcare field.


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